Identify, React and Contain Disruptions

Empower your workforce and machines to raise an alert when a problem occurs. Contain and fix problems before things snowball out of control.

The Digital Andon Cord

Produce More, a lot More! Reduce Scrap and Downtime! Simplify Root Cause Analysis! Reduce Cost! Get your life back!

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Fast Implementation

Get started quickly. Andonix can get you up and running in less than a day. Leverage mobile and connected devices to recognize value immediately.

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Speed reaction

Empower everyone to identify issues, simplify communication, and automate escalation to alert the right people in the organization every time.  Andonix allows you to adapt quickly and to scale as circumstances change

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Solve the problem before it impacts your operations with structured, visual, and scalable communication, coordination, and follow up.

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Prevent repeat problems by leveraging powerful in-platform data analytics and transferring knowledge to teams effortlessly, so that your people are not managing redundant issues.

Get the eBook

The andon cord concept, first introduced and made famous by Toyota, is used in organizations around the globe as a visual system to make sure problems with machines or quality don’t go unnoticed. Once a failure happens, the result can vary from severe to catastrophic, shutting down an entire factory, causing companies losses in production, missing shipping windows, causing quality problems to customers and even impacting contracts.

In this eBook you will learn about the benefits of andon systems and how Andonix revolutionizes the concept of hardware based andons, known to most for green – yellow – red lights sitting on top of a machine, by introducing the digital andon cord: a mobile and web enabled smart solution that can be rolled out at a major scale in less than a day. The results: produce more, a LOT more! Save money, save time, prevent quality issues and much more.

Inspired by what is possible?

Let’s get you there too. Results in just 30 days. After your free trial keep going, for no more than the cost of a cup of coffee!