Keep the Doors Open
How to address mounting or excess absenteeism today Need immediate help? Call 1-888-4SWS-ADX today!What happens when a significant percentage of your frontline workers cannot come to work?
Where are you going to find new workers? How are you going to train them?
Communicate? Coordinate? Follow up?
Without the right tools, crisis can lead to an extended shutdown.
Andonix is offering our flagship Smart Work Station for Free to any company impacted by the coronavirus crisis.

A combination of e-learning on mobile devices and microlearning that delivers only the most vital and necessary information as needed can prepare employees digitally for high rotation.
The Andonix app provides digital work instructions and checklists for rapid training

By monitoring checkin and training digitally in real-time, companies can implement predictive staffing plans in partnership with staffing companies, keeping them ahead of their needs.
Andonix tracks training needs and performance in real time to inform hiring.

Microlearning has been scientifically proven to drastically improve knowledge retention and enable workers to more quickly rotate between stations as needed.
Andonix provides microlearning opportunities to get employees up to speed.

Quick Response
Digital implementation of these tools ensures rapid response to an evolving situation – quickly engage your frontline workers with cross-training materials and track potential issues.
Respond immediately as soon as a potential issue is reported or detected.
Secure Your Free Andonix Smart Work Station

Andonix is standing by to onboard you quickly- and help address the absenteeism challenge, today.
Click below to schedule a call and start now.