Customer Testimonials

The impact Smart Work Station has had on the operations of our customers in a variety of situations. 

Francisco Nino

Director of Operations

PTI Relies on Smart Work Station to Improve Training Speed, Reduce Costs and Boost Productivity

“Smart Work Station allows us to connect people so they can ask easily access eTraining materials, enhance job pairings, and ask for help when they have exceptions or problems from anywhere in the organization. Our electronic work instructions are now better able to match cycle times.”

FCA Quality Assurance Team Relies on Smart Work Station to Address Inbound Defective Components

“With Andonix Smart Work Station we’ve redeployed complex processes as simple operations that anyone can execute, making paper checklists a thing of the past, Real-time data collection and geolocation enable us to have full control of our units no matter where they are.”

Cesar Rodriguez

Yard  Management Manager

Ryan Gauthier

Chief Financial Officer

Fortech Products Relies on Smart Work Station to Improve Quality and Reduce Costs Related to Shipping Errors

“We now have the ability to include specific questions in our digital checklists, trace them by bill of lading number and make live updates to instructions to keep things moving as efficiently as possible. This has helped eliminate shipping errors and enhance transparency”

Kiekert Mexico Relies on Smart Work Station to Reduce Waste and Improve Efficiency

  “Smart Work Station is a perfectly customized solution for us. We were able to move from a very manual process to a user-friendly, automated solution, allowing us to stop using paper and reduce waste.”

Richard Santana

Lean Manufacturing Manager